Eight-year-old Boston had a tough start to life, which has left him battling a number of ailments. Despite the considerable challenges he faces, Boston pursues fun like every other child, seeking out time to play and be creative. To aid in that pursuit, Satan’s Little Helper became Santa’s Little Helper for a day.

Courtesy of SLH, Boston received a large range of his favourite toys in time for Christmas! “Boston is always building things with LEGO, playing with his Hot Wheels cars, or drawing things in his room,” says his mum Ellana. “It’s his safe space, where he can let go, have fun and be himself. “Boston has had a hard time at school. However, being such a fun-loving, friendly young boy, he does now have a small group of loyal mates.” Born prematurely, Boston battles a number of developmental disorders which can make daily life difficult. To help make Boston’s downtime as much fun as possible, SLH’s sack was stuffed with a LEGO set and Hot Wheels tracks – because he more than deserved an extra-special treat. “He is absolutely loving his new toys! He hasn’t had anything like this before. Thank you so much Satan’s Little Helper!”